What do you always eat with?
●私はカレーをスプーンで食べます。 → カレーはスプーンで食べます。
I eat curry with a spoon. → As for curry, I eat it with a spoon.
●私はうどんをお箸で食べます。 → うどんはお箸で食べます。
I eat udon with chopsticks. → As for udon, I eat it with chopsticks.
●私はお寿司を手で食べます。 → お寿司は手で食べます。
I eat sushi with hand. → As for sushi, I eat it with hand.
Where do you always shop?
●私は服をユニクロで買います。 → 服はユニクロで買います。
I buy my clothes at UNIQLO. → As for clothes, I buy them at UNIQLO.
●私はおにぎりをコンビニで買います。 → おにぎりはコンビニで買います。
I buy rice ball at convenience store. → As for rice ball, I buy it at convenience store.
●私は肉や野菜をスーパーで買います。 → 肉や野菜はスーパーで買います。
I buy meat and vegetables at the supermarket. → As for meat and vegetables, I buy it at the supermarket.